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I Buckcherry hanno pubblicato online un video per la loro canzone "Our World" le cui immagini ricapitolano - a mò di servizio giornalistico - l'ormai tristemente famoso disastro ecologico legato alla marea nera provocata dalla British Petroleum, a seguito come sapete dell'incendio e del successivo affondamento di una delle sue piattaforme petrolifere nel Golfo del Messico; la band ha inoltre reso noto che una nuova versione della canzone sarà resa disponibile su iTunes e tutti i proventi della vendita verranno versati in beneficenza in favore delle vittime di questo disastro ecologico, sia uomini che animali.
"Our World" lyrics:
Lately I've been thinking
About how we live our lives
There are too many conflicts
'Cause no one sees eye to eye
And now the world is changing
We got pollutants in the sea
We keep on fighting for oil and killing in the Middle East
This is our world
To make it last
We have to not repeat the past
Just step outside
When will we learn
The destruction of our world. Our world
If all we have is one life
And you're never coming back again
Would you look at what we've done as a beginning Or an end
When I feel the sunlight
I wonder how much my world can take
We must do something now with so many lives at stake
This is our world
We must give back
Instead of killing what we have
So look inside and spread the word
If you want to save our world
I'm standing up
I've had enough
I'm sick and tired of just waiting
Our world corrupt,
So out of touch,
Our world how do I save her
How do I save her?
How do I save her?
How do I save her?
This is our world
We must give back
Instead of killing what we have
So look inside and spread the word
If you want to save our world
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