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Dopo aver dato l'annuncio di un lungo periodo di pausa direttamente dal palco del Global Citizen's Festival, prima di suonare "Learn To Fly", Dave Grohl ha pubblicato una lettera in cui ribadisce l'annuncio e spiega le motivazioni.
Nella lettera che potete leggere a fondo pagina, Grohl spiega che dopo 18 anni di attività sente il bisogno di prendere un lungo periodo di pausa mettendo in stand by i Foo Fighters e potersi così concentrare su altre attività che gli stanno a cuore come la realizzazione del film documentario relativo al Sound City. Dunque non sembrerebbe un addio bensì un meno amaro arrivederci.
Ecco la lettera di Grohl:
"Hey everyone...
Dave here. Just wanted to write and thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for another incredible year. (Our 18th, to be exact!) We truly never could have done any of this without you...
Never in my wildest dreams did I think Foo Fighters would make it this far. I never thought we COULD make it this far, to be honest. There were times when I didn't think the band would survive. There were times when I wanted to give up. But... I can't give up this band. And I never will. Because it's not just a band to me. It's my life. It's my family. It's my world.
Yes... I was serious. I'm not sure when the Foo Fighters are going to play again. It feels strange to say that, but it's a good thing for all of us to go away for a while. It's one of the reasons we're still here. Make sense? I never want to NOT be in this band. So, sometimes it's good to just... put it back in the garage for a while...
But, no gold watches or vacations just yet... I'll be focusing all of my energy on finishing up my Sound City documentary film and album for worldwide release in the very near future. A year in the making, it could be the biggest, most important project I've ever worked on. Get ready... it's coming.
Me, Taylor, Nate, Pat, Chris, and Rami... I'm sure we'll all see you out there... somewhere...
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
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