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Abbiamo atteso qualche giorno prima di riportare questa notizia credendo fosse un pesce d'aprile realizzato ad arte dai Limp Bizkit (ancora adesso non siamo sicuri che non lo sia).
Tramite Twitter il dj dei Limp Bizkit, Dj Lethal, ha comunicato che presto lui e il batterista John Otto potrebbero non fare più parte della band a causa di divergenze di vedute con Fred Durst. In particolare Durst mal sopporterebbe il loro stile di vita, la loro voglia di fare party e divertirsi.
Aggiungiamo che dietro alle parole "fare party e divertirsi" sembrerebbe nascondersi qualcosa di più negativo, forse una dipendenza da droghe da parte di Lethal e Otto.
Alle dichiarazioni di Dj Lethal ha risposto il chitarrista Wes Borland in un lungo messaggio via twitter rivolto ai fans. Ecco le sue parole:
"We are seriously trying our best to help John and Lethal, but this whole thing was something that should have stayed internal. Lee should not have made this a public affair and you (the fans) should not have ever had to deal with something so personal and damaging. Making this public has caused way more damage than was necessary and now we’re faced with an even harder situation than before. You (our supporters and friends) do not have the information needed to form valid opinions on the situation and we can’t give it to you because you’d have to have lived through it in order to understand. That being said, LB is still a functioning unit and we have no plans to stop moving forward. Our intentions have never been to try and divide our fans. Our only intention has been to move ahead with the parts of the band that can function together. All that being said, we are trying our hardest to make the best out of this situation. And none of this has been Fred’s decision alone. It’s been between Sam, Fred, and I and has been an ever evolving situation. So please get off Fred’s back about it, because we are together in this. And once again, I’m sorry for you that this was ever made public. If it hadn’t of been, you may never have even known about it. Unfortunate. We weren’t “keeping a secret from fans” We were trying to get it worked out internally, like I said. – Wes"
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