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Conferme da casa Incubus: la band ha infatti confermato, tramite un post ufficiale scritto di proprio pugno dal manager della band - che il nuovo album si intitolerà ‘If Not Now, When?’ ed arriverà il 12 luglio.
A questo punto quindi pare certo che "Adolescents" (vedi news) sarà invece il titolo del primo singolo estratto dal nuovo album e verrà presentato questo pomeriggio (tarda notte ora italiana).
Questo l'intero comunicato del manager:
“Wow. What a week! Things are starting to pick up pace now. I’m looking back at the calendar for the week, making sure I did not miss something, because its all been a blur. Meetings with the label, meetings with concert promoters, meetings with movie studio music supervisors, and even a couple of big radio programmers. Everybody wants to know what’s the freakin’ plan, Ren? “When is the release date? What about the first single? When can I hear it? I need the band here, I need them there.” I can barely keep up.
“It’s all good stuff though. No whining allowed. We’ve been resting for a while now so, while its been a crazy week, it’s been fun as hell too. I’m pumped by the leadership at Sony, I’m pumped at the enthusiasm of the Epic “youth squad” who are going to be our new heroes, I’m pumped with the enthusiasm of the band guys, but more than anything I am PUMPED at the enthusiasm and love I feel here with all our fans at the HQ. The site membership doubled this past week and keeps getting bigger. More and more people are discovering our little hideaway. And fans are meeting and interacting in ways that have me walking around with a permanent shit eating grin on my face. This is good stuff folks. We’ve got fans starting groups for every state, city and country around the world.
“What other band website has forums for foreign languages. Crazy, you say? I say “no”. Check out one of the Forums and you can learn a couple of new tricks. Can’t speak Spanish, no excuses. Nery David Ramirez Quintero will help you. If you are feeling really dangerous, you can try German with Oceana Light, or Portuguese with Manoela, or even Polish with Alexis Ivan Kranken. Or you can just speak English. Doors are open for everyone.
“Can you tell I’m excited?
“OK now for some real info. Ben Kenney is going to be here April 13th for our 2nd vidcast. As you know, these are pretty DIY affairs. You don’t need to dress up unless you think you might be speaking to Ben on Skype and then the whole world will know what you look like and if you have a messy bedroom. If you have questions for Ben go to the Forum and post your questions or ask him in the chat room. If you want to get an idea of how it works, check out the DJ Kilmore vidcast. Jose stopped by the office this week for a brief look at the HQ and he will be up for a vidcast soon himself. We’ll keep you posted on the date and time.
“OK, the big question. When are we going to hear some new music. Soon. Very soon. Start of the week, I’m betting. Join me for the Morning Briefing and I’ll see if I can steer you in the right direction. Not many people up at 6A PDT so it will be our little secret.
“The album title. If Not Now, When?
“When will it be released? July 12
“Tour dates are starting to be confirmed. On Friday, Phillipines group leader Katrina Sales announced live on HQTV the band’s concert in Manila on July 28th at the Araneta Coliseum. More dates in the Pacific Rim will be announced this week.
“Bottom line folks, stay in touch with us here at the IncubusHQ for all the latest Incubus news. We are about to get this party started. Are you ready? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?”
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