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Notizia tratta da
Zakk Wylde è stato ricoverato al Nebraska Hospital per un problema di coagulazione alla gamba.
Wylde, ricevuti i necessari trattamenti, è stato dimesso dopo poche ore.
Mentre attendeva l'inizio di un incontro con i fan a Omaha, l'artista ha avvertito una fitta alla coscia sinistra. Recatosi in infermeria, i primi esami hanno evidenziato un coagulo di sangue di 12 pollici situato tra coscia e polpaccio, coagulo che, se non eliminato, avrebbe potuto raggiungere polmoni, cuore e cervello. Sebbene deciso a non annullare i due show in programma, Wylde è stato costretto ad andare in ospedale per ricevere le cure adeguate.
Di seguito una trascrizione di quanto apparso sul personale profilo twitter e alcune immagini postate dallo stesso artista.
<<"[I] hung out with the Omaha chapter meet-and-greet [Thursday afternoon] and felt pain in my left thigh. [I] went to [the emergency room] to be on the safe side and [they] told me I had a 12-inch clot from my calf to thigh. That was around 5:00 [p.m.]. [They] did blood work on me and told me my blood was not [in the] therapeutic [range]. Obviously I NEVER CANCEL GIGS so I wanted to do the gig. The doctors said the problem was chances were even higher for the clot going into my lungs/heart/brain and to stay overnight and jack me up with blood thinners and get my blood [up to the] therapeutic [range] like I was previously on the Coumadin. So now it's two shots a day and Coumadin. Soon the shots will be gone, but [I will have to take] the oral [medications] for the rest of my days. No big deal — just something else to take along with the crack cocaine lite, meth, Viagra, Cialis, steroids, growth hormone, MET-RX, morning-after pill, hair and nail, Joint Fuel, Flintstones chewables [and] Paxil.">>
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